The Future is Yet To Come...

Presented by The Goldfire Group

Calgary Maintains And Utilizes Historical Iconic Facilities


Have you heard the latest? The City of Calgary is investing (900) nine hundred million dollars into the building of a new entertainment and sports center with (300) three hundred million in infrastructure payments coming from The Province of Alberta with Scotia Bank as a major partner. On top of this, Calgary is honoring its […]

The Benefits Of A Community Hospital

Community Hospital

The Benefits Of A Community Hospital In addition to providing services in case of emergency, community hospitals provide vital services for those living with long-term illnesses, such as diabetes or cancer. They’ll also provide routine but essential processes for patients, like screenings and dialysis. Seeing that the UCP decided to do a massive shake up […]

Ongoing Talks to Transform Edmonton Coliseum into Multi-Functional Community Hub


Saving Edmonton’s Iconic Coliseum In a bid to breathe new life into Edmonton’s iconic Coliseum, ongoing talks are in progress to repurpose the facility into a dynamic community activity center, medical hub, travel center, and events venue. The ambitious plan also includes the addition of an indoor tennis training center with pickleball courts, an indoor […]